“Mediation Skills and Process Training Course”
27, 28 October; 2, 3, 4 November 2012;
9:00am – 6:30pm each day
ADR International Limited
(In collaboration with
the Association of International Accountants)
The Civil Justice Reform ("CJR") in Hong Kong and Practice Direction 31 ("PD31") of the Judiciary (2 January 2010) encourages litigants to explore mediation to resolve their differences.
Mediation has since been used to a much greater extent in Hong Kong. The international trend to use Mediation to resolve disputes is catching on fast in Hong Kong to becoming "mainstream". Anyone who is involved in dispute resolution should understand what Mediation is all about or be left behind.
This is an intensive 5 day Mediation Training Course designed by ADRIL to provide the necessary theory and skills to business professionals who are interested in understanding Negotiation and Mediation and / or wish to be Accredited as a Mediator. This course is offered in collaboration with the Association of International Accountants.
Mr. Norris Yang, Previous guest faculty have included Professor Nadja Alexander, Mr. Ian Hanger AM, QC, Mr. Michael Beckett, Dr. James Chiu, Ms. Jacqueline Mak and Mr. Simon Yeung.
About The Organizer: ADR International Limited (“ADRIL”)
ADR International Limited was set up in 2002 to provide neutrals (arbitrators, mediators, experts, adjudicators) and advise clients on the most cost-effective alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process for their particular dispute. ADRIL also assists companies and governments to train their staff on ADR processes and techniques.
The organisation has successfully organized Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre ("HKIAC") Accredited Mediation Courses in Hong Kong and has trained over 1,000 senior civil servants in Hong Kong on dispute resolution. ADRIL has been contracted by the Government of Macau (since 2009) to train more than 150 senior civil servants, lawyers, judges and business leaders as mediators. ADRIL has been voted as "International Dispute Resolution Firm of the Year – Mediation, Arbitration and ADR" (Intercontinental Finance Legal Excellence Awards 2011).
The Course
Completion of this course satisfies the course requirements (Stage I) of the HKIAC and the International Negotiation Mediation Institute ("NMI") to become an Accredited Mediator (after completion of Stage II and III of the requirements) of HKIAC and NMI.
The course leaders will be leading international mediation trainers and consultants with extensive mediation experience to bring more depth and insight to the participants. The course applies interactive learning concepts introducing theory interlaced with games, videos, exercises and role plays to help the participants develop their techniques and skills. ADRIL aims to create excellence and enrollment is strictly limited to enhance better group interaction. The courses offered by ADRIL have received consistently excellent ratings by the participants. Our participants are generally seasoned professionals of their field.
The Mediation Process is examined and the soft skills and techniques of a successful mediator are discussed and explored with exercises and role plays. The course introduces concepts of Conflict and the various methods of resolving disputes (ADR Spectrum). Negotiation concepts are explored and Principled Interest-Based Negotiation is introduced. Over a dozen exercises, games and role plays are interspersed throughout the 5 days. All the mediation role plays are coached by experienced Accredited Mediators.
Judges; Solicitors and Barristers; In-house Counsel; Senior Officers of the SAR Government
Accountants; Financial Advisors; Business Consultants; Business Managers; Academics & Law School Students; Professorial in Health Sciences, H.R., Constructions and I.T.
Mr. Norris H.C. YANG is the founder of ADRIL and has been practicing international commercial law for more than 30 years. He has extensive experience as a mediator and was past Chairman of the HK Mediation Council and Ex-Officio Council Member of the HKIAC (2003-2006). He teaches Mediation in HK and Macau and frequently lectures at local universities. He is an Accredited Mediator of the HKIAC and the Law Society of Hong Kong (General and Family), the first HK lawyer to be honoured as a "Distinguished International Neutral" of the CPR Institute (New York: www.cpradr.org), the first Asian Accredited by the International Mediation Institute (The Hague: www.IMIMediation.org) and is listed as one of only 200 in “The International Who’s Who of Commercial Mediation 2011” (www.whoswholegal.com).
Mr. Norris H.C. YANG – IMI Profile
Dr. James Chiu is a Specialist in General Surgery and Accredited Mediator of the HKIAC, HK Mediation Centre and Lands Tribunal. Dr. Chiu has wide experience in medical and health care, personal injury, professional negligence and building management mediation cases. He is Vice-Chairman and Leader of Health Care Mediation, General Mediation Interest Group of HK Mediation Council of the HKIAC and Assessor of the HKIAC. He is the Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Chinese University of HK for mediation course.
Ms. Jacqueline Mak is an Accredited Mediator and Family Mediator of HKIAC and the Law Society of Hong Kong. She is mediator for family, personal injury, commercial, probate and building management, Lehman-Brothers related Investment Products mediation cases. She is a co-trainer for mediation training courses at SCE of HK Baptist University and HK Shue Yan University respectively and Assessor for stage 2 assessment of HKIAC.
ADR International Limited
701, The Chinese Bank Building, 61-65 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
The Law Society of Hong Kong CPD (being applied for): 40 CPD points were awarded in previous courses
*CPD: 16 CPD points for period ending 31st Oct 2012; 24 CPD points for period ending 31st Oct 2013
HK$18,800 for the 5-day course
*5% discount for Early Bird Registration- before 5 October 2013
“Fulfilled all my expectations – good mix between theory and role play.” (Glen Haley, Haley & Co.)
“Lecturers very experienced – presentation light hearted & lively, easy to absorb.” (Billy Kong, Fairbairn Catley Low & Kong)
“Excellent intro to Mediation…conveyed positive value of mediation to even the most sceptical.” (Jeff Lane, King & Wood)
“Presenters had impressive expertise and experience – inspiring and effective.” ______(Francis Chan, ONC Lawyers)
“I have learnt more than I expected. Course providers were high caliber experts.” (Samantha Cornelius, Linklaters)
“Course exceeded the Macau Housing Bureau’s expectations. Trainers had excellent professional expertise and teaching skills.”
(Kuoc Vai Han, Vice-President – Macau Housing Bureau)
“Organizer has passion in training good mediators.” (Barbara So, Standard Chartered Bank)
“It’s perfect!” (Hedy Chan, Li & Fung)
Registration Form